Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I thought this was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year....

My heart is heavy and I don't know what to do but just try and deal with all of this ordeal a day, hour, minute, or even second, at a time. My husband has decided to look into the Bible for answers to some of his questions. We are not exactly coming to the same conclusions on what the Truth really is. I'm sure there are others out there going through the same thing and I sure could use some support. One of the HUGE areas of contention is about holidays. I already know that Christmas is originally based on pagan traditions and practices. I understand, but my heart doesn't want to accept that I can't even have family over and decorate a beautiful tablescape to showcase my cooking efforts. If I can't entertain or decorate the house for even the season, even if I don't use Santa, and I can't bring the people I love together for a meal, what's the point? I feel like I have nothing to be excited about. No joy or happiness to look forward to. Not that material things made me that happy, but all things beautiful did, whether it was God made or man made.
Now I have friends that have never celebrated Christmas being Amish. (Actually, I stand corrected from my Amish friend and I quote, "We have always celebrated Christmas with pretty Tablecloths and flowers and gifts. Really the only thing we didn't have is the secular type stuff... Trees, lites, santa, big decorations... that type of thing. We have always been big on family and caroling and food.") Sorry, Bert...
 I don't know...I just feel this blue funk coming over me that I can't seem to shake. It'll just be a dreaded winter to try and make it through with none of my usual inspiration to get me through. Is there anyone else out there in the same situation? I keep praying the Lord will take away the likings I have for what I thought was a beautiful, the most beautiful, season of the year. I don't want to be a house divided and I don't want this to be a huge division between my husband and I, but bloggers, I'm pleading-for prayers, advice, support. If this is the ways of the Word, then I know my heart will change. But until then, this is just awful.......

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