Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HEADLINE: Unusually Warm Temps Bring DIY-ers Outside!

Here is what is on the agenda for the next few months. I say months, because I have been under the weather for the last month. Don't know exactly what I had/have, but it involves coughing, sleeplessness, runny nose and green and yellow-and I ain't talkin' the colors of Spring here!

Well, now that I have thoroughly grossed you out, here is a pic of the hutch I am about to re-do-

And this is my inspiration taken from the web as to what I would like to do with it-
Now, the people who know me are probably shocked to see it isn't something ALL WHITE (white is my favorite color, and YES, it IS a color-you can add it to anything and it changes the original color to something else, which, to me, means it can hold it's own being classified as a color!)
I was also really tickled pink to see that Ace Hardware gave me a second chance at getting that pretty blue paint for free! I had seen an ad for a free quart of paint just for the asking on a Saturday. Well, that Saturday came and went with me feeling so sick, not even free paint would lure me out. But then, lo and behold, the NEXT Saturday, they ran the same promo and I got my Clark & Kensington Paint + Primer In One, in Better Homes and Gardens Seaside Classic Blue-for FREE! (Did I mention, free?)

So here it goes, fellow DIY-ers and Bloggers, I am now officially going to be held accountable for this transformation. There is a lot of work to be done about it, too. I have to sand the dang thing and fill in holes with putty and then sand them. I would like to change the hardware on this hutch to something more like a knob than a pull. Maybe even something nautical in design. The perfect ones are waiting for me at Carol Beach Knobs dot com.

A few of the stores around here are getting in Nautically-inclined pretties. Big Lots has some incredible items that I would like as well as Family Dollar and Dollar General. I have acquired many items off of Ebay and many I have just had around the house or in storage. Here is just a sampling-

This is stuff from last year that I plan on using. I will post more pretties later on. Stay tuned! Gotta go outside and clean up the front yard and get the little water feature going-he looks and sounds so wonderful! You can enjoy a picture of him here-

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